Notoir blog

  • Revolutionary Resilience: The Factors That Keep Societal Upheavals Going

    It seems that a lot of striking, demonstrating, protesting, and other plain folks not taking it anymore is going on. Western cities are burning. People seem to have enough of it. They openly quit their jobs, or sabotage covertly by slowing down on the job. There is unrest in the air, and societal troubles are… Read more…

  • A meditation on the importance of old stuff

    Why is it that people obsess so much over novelty? Whether it is electric cars, artificial everything, genetic wizardry, information, or the newest iPhone, one could almost say that there exists a form of novelty psychosis, an incurable collective case of neomania, the love of all things modern, for its own sake. And it is not new.… Read more…

Our latest releases

  • KNOTHOLE – Marc Spitse

    KNOTHOLE – Marc Spitse


    Drawings, illustrations, short texts to melt the mind. In here you will find vengeful ventriloquists, Hitler biographers, screaming man-eaters, angry citizens, unhappy designers, brooding boomers, terrified turtles, Afro wanna-be’s, nature-worshipers, Beijing bikini’s, talking animals, grizzled mystics, senior sluts, feeble females, sad clowns, women inventors, Nazi chimps, war-loving zoomers, pattern recognitionists, stuff dismantlers, unscrupulous cross-hatchers, poetic… Read more …

  • THE HISTORY OF MAGIC – Éliphas Lévi

    THE HISTORY OF MAGIC – Éliphas Lévi

    A history of magicians written by a Hermetic philosopher. Translated and annotated by E.A. Waite. Éliphas Lévi is the pen-name of Abbé Alphonse Louis Constant, a Roman Catholic priest and magician. He wrote this history of Magical theory and practice around the world in the mid-nineteenth century, in a time when occultism was de rigueur… Read more …

  • REAL SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE – Richard Harding Davis

    REAL SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE – Richard Harding Davis


    “They ended up with zero skills in civilian fields, but they could kill other people, and getting paid was a bonus.“ Whenever in any part of the world a military conflict raged, the procedure of mercenaries invariably was the same. As adventurers with a fondness for violence, hairy situations, and thrill-seeking, they experienced face-to-face battle,… Read more …

  • YOU CAN’T WIN – Jack Black

    YOU CAN’T WIN – Jack Black

    You Can’t Win was originally written as an anti-crime book and cautionary tale. as a result, it is one of those rare cult books that’s a riveting read and hard to put down. It is a virtual encyclopedia of the techniques in use by hardened criminals as well as a glossary of underworld slang. The… Read more …



    Iconoclast H. L. Mencken was unquestionably the most provocative and influential journalist and cultural critic in twentieth-century America. His volumes of Prejudices, published between 1919 and 1927, were both a scathing yet humorous attack on what Mencken saw as American provincialism and hypocrisy and a resounding defense of the writers and thinkers he thought of… Read more …

  • SIDESHOW: Abnormitäten des 19 Jahrhunderts (German Edition) – Signor Saltarino

    SIDESHOW: Abnormitäten des 19 Jahrhunderts (German Edition) – Signor Saltarino

    Abnormitäten, im Allgemeinen unter Verwendung des trivialen Synonyms “Missgeburten” beschrieben, haben als Schau-Objekte stets eine bedeutende Anziehungskraft auf das sogenannte große Publikum ausgeübt, das in der Regel eine gewisse Befriedigung seiner Neugierde in dem gedankenlosen Anschauen derselben fand. Im Jahr 1900 stellte H.W. Otto (Pseudonym Signor Saltarino) dieses Buch zu Bildungs- und Unterhaltungszwecken zusammen. Es… Read more …

  • VIGILANTE DAYS AND WAYS: The Pioneers of the Rockies – Nathaniel Pitt Langford

    VIGILANTE DAYS AND WAYS: The Pioneers of the Rockies – Nathaniel Pitt Langford

    This are two books, edited together: THE MAKERS AND MAKING OF MONTANA AND IDAHO and THE PIONEERS OF THE ROCKIES. So this is your lucky day: two books for the price of one! The truth of the adage that “Crime carries with it its own punishment” has never received a more powerful vindication than at… Read more …

  • HUMAN LEOPARD SOCIETY Ritual Murder and Cannibalism in Colonial Africa – K.J. Beatty

    HUMAN LEOPARD SOCIETY Ritual Murder and Cannibalism in Colonial Africa – K.J. Beatty

    “The bush seemed to me pervaded with something supernatural, a spirit which was striving to bridge the animal and the human …”~ From the preface ~ Were the Human Leopard Society members cannibals for the purpose of satisfying an appetite for human flesh, or was it some far out religious rite? These and numerous other… Read more …

  • RELIGIOUS PERSECUTIONS and the enforcement of medieval groupthink (Illustrated) – M. Spitse

    RELIGIOUS PERSECUTIONS and the enforcement of medieval groupthink (Illustrated) – M. Spitse


    In this series of Medieval Ultra-Violence engravings Jan Luyken depicts the public tortures and executions of martyrs, heathens, witches, anabaptists and other opinionated folks who didn’t toe the partyline and refused to comply to the groupthink of those days. The intro and accompanying essays are by J-K Huysmans, James Anson Farrer, John Asheton, Thomas Bedworth,… Read more …